Geography, asked by malik11066, 2 months ago

How does the oxidation process chemically decompose rocks?
Wrong answer or spam would be reported even short or one-word answers would be reported as I need a brief explanation.​

Anonymous: Oxi dation is ano ther kin d of chem ical webat hering that occ urs whe n oxvygen com bbines with anot her subsb ta nce and cre ates compoun ds c alle d oxi des. ... Wh en rocks, partic ularly tho se with iron in t hem, ar e exp osed to air and w ater, the iron under goes oxidation, wh ich can wea ken the rock s and ma ke th em crum ble.

Oxida tion is the react ion of ro ck mine rals wit h oxyg en, thus cha nging the min eral compos ition
of the ro ck. W hen miner als in rock
Anonymous: sorry fr nd I am unable to send u full answer why I dk this one shows I am using rude words
Anonymous: hnji
Anonymous: matlab
Anonymous: can you please ibox me


Answered by Anonymous

Oxi dation is ano ther kin d of chem ical webat hering that occ urs whe n oxvygen com bbines with anot her subsb ta nce and cre ates compoun ds c alle d oxi des. ... Wh en rocks, partic ularly tho se with iron in t hem, ar e exp osed to air and w ater, the iron under goes oxidation, wh ich can wea ken the rock s and ma ke th em crum ble.

Oxida tion is the react ion of ro ck mine rals wit h oxyg en, thus cha nging the min eral compos ition

of the ro ck. W hen miner als in rock oxidize, they become less resi stant to weat hering. Iron, a com mon ly k nown mi ne ral, bec omes re d or r ust c olored wh en oxid ized.

malik11066: thanks for the half understandable answer
Anonymous: hi
Anonymous: hnji
Anonymous: means
Anonymous: any help
Anonymous: ask me fr nd
Anonymous: can you please inbx me
Anonymous: please
Anonymous: di
Anonymous: sorry I didn't have power de ar
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