English, asked by reshmiprasad, 1 year ago

how does the poet describe the kelling of a tree in the poem.on kelling a tree​


Answered by sarbaniSural


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Answered by souvikpal919


According to the poet, killing a tree is not easy. A jab of a knife is not enough because a tree grows straight out of the earth, nourishing itself on the nutritions found in the earth along with years of sunlight, water and air. New leaves and branches sprout of its leprous hide.

The hack of a knife or an axe or chopping off a bough(branch) is not enough to bring a tree down. These jabs main inflict pain on the tree but the pain is not enough to kill it. The bleeding bark will heal with time. New green twings will grow again and the tree will grow into its former size.

Further, the poet says that in order to kill the tree, its root has to be pulled out. The root, which is the source of a tree's life, must be pulled out entirely from the Earth cave. By 'Earth cave' the poet means the point deep inside the earth. The exposed strength of the tree when left open to the sun and air will be scorched due to the heat of the sun. Slowly, it will become Brown with all the softness fading out, living a hard lifeless piece of wood behind. With time it will start to wither and ultimately the tree will be killed entirely.

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