English, asked by Anonymous, 7 months ago

how does the sheriff try to catch robin?How does the Sheriff trick Robin Hood and how many times does he do it?


Answered by pranav12362


The Sheriff was desperate to capture Robin Hood. He had been tricked, beaten and made to look a fool by the outlaw and had had enough. Prince John, the Kings nasty brother, was visiting Nottingham castle and was unhappy with the news that he had heard about Robin Hood. "We must stop him" snarled the Prince "But how ?" moaned the sheriff, "I have tried everything" "I will take a hundred men into the forest. We will travel to the Major Oak and catch the outlaw there" added the Prince "It would not work" said the Sheriff, "They can hide everywhere and would ambush you before you knew what was happening." "Then we need to trick him into coming to Nottingham then", schemed the Prince, "What would bring him here ?" Meanwhile, deep in Sherwood Forest the outlaws were feasting around the Major Oak. They were laughing and joking about the trick that they had played on the sheriff. Robin joked that he had sat at the Sheriffs table eating the Sheriffs food without being recognised. Mutch the Millers Son arrived at the tree. "Robin, there is news of a great contest in Nottingham. There is a prize of a silver arrow for the best archer" he said "Then I shall enter" called out Robin, "And I shall win for all Saxons everywhere" Little John was not so happy. "Robin, I think it is a trap. Prince John is nearby and this would be a good time for the Sheriff to catch you. Don't go" "I must. I have to win the prize for the sake of all Saxons". Robin set off for Nottingham, disguised as a lowly peasant. He arrived in Nottingham in time for the competition. As he stood waiting to take part he noticed Sir Guy of Gisborne wandering around the contestants. 'He's trying to find me' thought Robin. The contest began. Robin easily won through to the finals and waited. The final began. Robin was to fire his arrows after a Norman Knight had fired his. Watching in the crowd were the Saxon people of Nottingham, and a group of disguised outlaws. Robin began to take his shots. His first arrow was fired and hit the bullseye. "Master John, master John" called a voice to little John, "Gisborne has set a trap. You have to leave before he finds you"

i hope yu will like it....mark as also brainlist ans



Answered by 25692017





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