Music, asked by Anonymous, 4 months ago

how does the suang gauk sound differ compared to the guitar?


Answered by sejalbhalerao376


How is the sound of a guitar different from the sound of a flute?

Where can I get an audio gear at an affordable price?

The sound is more complex than just a simple wave. The compression wave itself has distinctive characteristic. In broad terms the sound wave has a shape, it can be a smooth sign wave, a pointy saw tooth wave or a square wave or even a mixed combination. Each of these waves at the same frequency sound very different. A flute is a wind instrument and produces a smooth sign wave, the guitar strings produce more of a saw tooth wave and a drum produces a square wave. The waves are much more complicated than that but the general description is accurate. The description of these wave shapes is called

Why does the 'SA' of guitar and flute sound different?

How does a flute produce different sound notes?

How are different sound notes generated in musical instruments like guitar, which uses strings for sound generation, and flute, while uses blown air for sound generation?

How can you recognize the sound of a flute?

How do I play The Sound of Silence on a guitar?

In almost every way.

A flute is monophonic (yeah, yeah…we’re keeping it simple here!) A guitar is or can be chordal.

The flute can sustain a note and play legato. A guitar is mostly plucked, meaning each new note starts loudly and then decays over time.

A flute is metal and driven by air. You hear a very pure tone, plus the puff or “chiff” of the air being blown, plus a little valve noise perhaps. A guitar is wood and the vibrating strings have an entirely different harmonic structure, plus it produces a variety of handling noise, from the scratch of nails to the slide of finger on string.

The most idiomatic of the flute is a lyrical melodic line. The most idiomatic sound of a guitar is a strum; a rhythmic chordal sound.

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One instrument’s sound is made when the string is plucked right in front of a small hole leading to a hollowed out container, with the small string pluck’s noise is amplified through the box.

The other makes its sound by blowing into a mostly-metal pipe where different fingerings in different holes can lead to different notes being played.

They are two fundamentally different instruments

Why does the 'SA' of guitar and flute sound different?

How does a flute produce different sound notes?

How are different sound notes generated in musical instruments like guitar, which uses strings for sound generation, and flute, while uses blown air for sound generation?

How can you recognize the sound of a flute?

How do I play The Sound of Silence on a guitar?

How does a song sound when there is no flute?

Does a $5000 flute sound any different than $500 flute?

Why do I get an airy sound out of my flute?

What is the sound of a flute?

How can I give my flute a fresh new sound?

How does a flute make sound in physics?

Which guitar strings sound the best?

What flute sounds the best?

Why does my acoustic guitar sound bad?

Are there two points on a guitar that make exactly the same sound?

Answered by tejeswar184


To play suang Gauk, you hold it on your lap with its neck Facing forward

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