how does the temperature change as well as in winter plz give correct answer
Feeling hot or cold is with respect to our own body. When the environment around us is at our own body temperature, we have a pleasant feeling. This feeling is important for us to work. When our body temperature increases just by 1 or 2 degrees, we are dull and can’t work. We have to consult a doctor to take medicines or the advice. Similarly, when body temperature is lower than the normal that must be maintained, it seriously curtails our activities. It is like shivering violently and in this situation , we can't work.
Our body has to maintain its temperature at 37 degree Celsius but this human body is not isolated from the atmosphere/ environment around us. Thermally, it interacts with the environment through radiation, conduction and convection. It is also in touch with the environment through breathing.
When environment is cooler wrt to the body (Winter season), our body transfers heat via radiation, breathing, conduction and convection. Since it transfers heat to the environment, its own temperature starts falling and when it does so, nature has gifted an important mechanism by which our body does not transfer blood flow towards the the skin, it keeps it slightly below the skin so that warm blood is available for vital organs within the body itself. This results in the fall of temperature of the skin- a sense giving us feeling of cold. The skin becomes dry. This process is called vasoconstriction, which is the narrowing of blood vessels. Further fall would result in shivering-body producing mechanical vibrations to generate heat- an indication that we must protect with multi layer clothes(wear socks, shoes, hand gloves, cover head) in order to cut down convection/ conduction loss. Also, when shivering is there, we must shift in a warmer environment so as to minimize the heat loss by radiation and breathing. At this stage, body makes the blood thicker by producing more urine.
Suppose one is continuing to remain in cold, the next stage after shivering is that the body temperature will start falling and the coordination between hand, speech will fall- a serious state and one must be shifted in the warmer environment immediately.