How does the ‘Wind’ treat the weak?50 words
In the poem 'Wind' by Subhramania Bharati ,the wind is said to be winnowing the weak from the strong. It extinguishes the weak fires while making the strong fires stronger. In other words it destroys the weak while supporting the strong . So the poet ask people to be stronger in order to not get crushed by the strong wind.
The poet inspires us to face the wind and make ourselves stronger because wind symbolises the hardships of life. If one is weak and cowardly one will get overwhelmed. But if one is brave enough to face his problems he will get stronger than before. Every experience is a lesson only if one is brave and strong enough to get through it, if one does stop when facing hardships. So never give up and fight on.
Only by facing your fears you can find out how capable you are. If you always stay in your comfort zone you will never get know the limits of your abilities .And how can you improve if you don't know your limits. The diamond can shine only after being cut and polished. One have to go through hardships to be great.