Sociology, asked by sadhabimahat8, 10 months ago

how does traditional thinking lead to bad governance?pls try to give a genuine answer apart from the internet


Answered by ggowrisoman


Bad governance is the relationship between those who govern and those who are governed as a consequence of decision-making. This unfavourable relationship is created as a consequence of external factors or decisions such as violation of central or acceptable norms, such as those of liberal democracy, and bad economic policy:[1]. Bad governance collectively encompasses governance in government and corporate settings[2]. It is the opposite of good governance.[3] Bad governance addresses governance in a government setting but bad governance and bad government are different concepts. Bad governance encompasses a variety of situations from corruption, deceit and to passing of unfair policy. From this, it can be noted that different manifestations of bad governance can vary in severity and the potential impact in their respective setting[1]. The World Bank has identified key indicators of governance which are used as a method to measure bad governance[4].

Answered by mercygamersyt


Bad governance as a country which holds the figures of any or all of the indicators less than and close to -2.5%. The World Bank governance indicators are:

Voice and Accountability

Political Stability and Absence of Violence

Government Effectiveness

Regulatory Quality

Rule of Law

Control of Corruption



Based on the World Bank's governance indicators, the key causes for Bad Governance are:

Lack of Voice and Weak Accountability

Governing bodies refusing to listen the voice of those they govern and take refusing to take accountability for their actions leads to bad governance. By ignoring the voice of those being governed, their opinions are no longer heard or taking into consideration by the governing body[6]. Democratic governments focus on accountability as a method to ensure the public understands whats happening and provides them a way to proceed when things go wrong. Weak accountability in turn causes a distrust between the two parties and can lead to instability. This distrust and uncertainty creates an unfavourable relationship between the parties.

Political Instability

Bad Governance occurs as a consequence of frequent changes in government or 'political instability'. Instability in political regimes, such as a democracy, has been proven to coincide with poor governance.


Bad Governance, is often considered to come hand in hand with corruption. Corruption occurs in many sectors ranging from political to economic environments. Corruption can occur in many different ways and forms. The existence of corruption within a governing body causes bad governance as the officials places their personal gains over others.

Hope it helps you.

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