English, asked by prataproka46, 9 months ago

How does universal brotherhod play a significant role to set peace in the world?express


Answered by Dia095


The recognition of the oneness of humanity is essential to world peace. Such recognition is inevitable and the next stage of humanity's development and evolution. It is excessive nationalism, self-interest, and racism that are often and generally the bases for most armed conflicts in the world. If we see all people as one, however, then discriminating against one party or nation in favor of another is untenable, invading or exploiting another land or people becomes untenable, and the justifications or bases for at least armed conflict between nations are removed.

At that point, we become willing and able to entertain credible world bodies and tribunals to prevent war and punish aggressors and the people of each country would find no cause or bases for invading another. We do not see war as a viable or reasonable means of gaining advantages, especially at the cost of others and for the amount of suffering it causes.

Furthermore, recognition of universal brotherhood implies a moral foundation for the respect of certain fundamental and inalienable rights. In such a setting, within countries, the corruption, authoritarianism, and oppression can no longer be countenanced and cnn justified.

Obviously, today, this all seems a bit too utopian. It looks like too many are selfish, corrupt, and narrow-minded, but the greater ethic and trend is toward such a universal conception. It took a long time and many generations for older, narrower conceptions of morality to move from the immediate family or tribe to loyalty to a locality, city, or state and then loyalty to a nation. In some places, that shift has still not occurred or been entirely completed. Most of us, perhaps, still have greater loyalty to self and family and are immoral to some degree. But that is changing rapidly and has been changing for the past 150+ years. Imagine then how we might evolve in the next 150 years.

hope this helps you

thank you

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