English, asked by kavya2951, 10 months ago

how editing should be done in grammar without committing mistakes​


Answered by Anonymous

First,,, you should have well knowledge for this. Study well.. It is possible. Then.

kavya2951: bro I need an example
kavya2951: in editing, I need an example
kavya2951: do you know grammar
kavya2951: very thankful to you brooo
Answered by shatendra

1. Reread it

Read your story one last time, all the way through — just like a reader would. Don’t stop to look something up or change anything. Make a mark if something bothers you and go back to it when you’re done.

If you do go back and make a change, be extra careful not to insert a new error. The American Copy Editors’ Society says that is one of the most common causes of typos. You’re also likely to catch duplicate words during this type of rereading. We tend to repeat words like “a,” “the,” “and” and “but” as we type.

As ACES also notes, errors often travel in pairs. So if you find one, look nearby for others. If you caught a misspelled last name, for example, check the first name, title and even the company name while you’re at it.

2. Change the format

If you’re feeling too familiar with your story, change how you’re reading it. Print it out if you’ve been working on a screen. Change the font or the font size. Make the text or background a different color. Read it aloud — to yourself or to someone else — or have someone else read it to you.

Merrill Perlman, Columbia JournalismReview’s Language Corner blogger, has said, “Every time you read it the same way, you read less of it and recite more of it from memory. This is how you miss errors.”

So change it up. NPR’s chief copy editor, Susan Vavrick, likes to read the story from bottom to top, instead of top to bottom.

3. Step away

Go for a walk, watch a short video, make a phone call or read something on a totally unrelated topic. Give your brain a break. When you come back to your story, change things up using some of the suggestions above.

4. Spellcheck and grammar check are your friends

Use technology! Spellcheck and grammar-check tools are a good first line of defense. If you don’t work in a program that enables them, consider changing your workflow.

It’s easy, however, to get used to those little red and green squiggles and just read over them. Consider doing one read-through where you’re focusing only on the underscored words and phrases. Click on each one and see what the program suggests you could do differently.

5. Use a checklist

I keep the NPR Accuracy Checklisttaped to my computer monitor. It’s a list, from NPR Standards and Practices Editor Mark Memmott, of 13 things that “must be double- or triple-checked” because journalists often get them wrong.

“Personal names” are on that list because misspelled names are one of our top mistakes at NPR (you can see all of the things we’ve had to correct at NPR Corrections).

I heard a story once about a professor who would give an assignment an F if a student misspelled even one name. That may seem extreme, but I like the idea of thinking of names that way: If I spell one wrong, my story fails. Yes, it’s that important — to your readers, to the sources you’re naming and for your credibility.

A checklist can be helpful anytime during your writing process, but at the very least, glance at it before you hit “publish.” It will help you make some great saves.

6. Recheck the most important stuff

The first paragraph and the last paragraph are where a lot of mistakes hide. It’s easy to read right over them after a while because you’ve practically memorized them.

Check the headline, graphics, captions and other similar text. These may be all the readers see if they encounter your story on social media, in search results or on your home page. If there’s a mistake in that small snapshot, will readers even bother to click and read more? Often the answer is “no.” Your headline should be specific, straightforward, spirited — and typo-free! (More NPR Training tips on how to write great headlines here.)

As you incorporate some of these steps to channel your inner copy editor, think about being an advocate for that reader who is just discovering your story. As The Baltimore Sun’s John McIntyre has said: “The reader doesn’t care how hard you worked, what pressure you are under, or how good your intentions are. The reader sees the product, online or in print; if the product looks sloppy and substandard, the reader will form, and likely express, a low opinion of it.”

You can help make sure that doesn’t happen, whether your work will go through several edits or no edits before it’s published, by passing it on in the best shape possible.

shatendra: thanks
kavya2951: welcome
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