how employment can be generated in rural areas
Labour or agricultural activities like farming.
I'm honestly not sure about this answer.
More employment can be created in rural areas by-
1.Opening up industries in rural areas.
Example-the Tata plant in West Bengal would have provided employment to hundered of villagers.
2.Increasing construction work in rural areas.Making proper dwellings,the facilities that are required by people living in rural areas is essintal.This will not only improve their quality of life
also provide them with employment.
3.Employing people from rural areas in facillites createdy in Example
2.This could be all sorts of employment,like clerks,teachers,compunders,peons etc.
4.Improving the agriculture sector.Be it improvement of irrigation facillites or use of modern machines, improving the quality of the agriculture sector would increase productivity and more number of people to complete then various processes.