Economy, asked by palash22, 1 year ago

how employment to be created


Answered by maya51
Obviously by providing more job prospects. The government cannot pay heed to needs of each and every individual in the country. People have to take steps.

Talking about the Indian society, the most common perception I've come across is “get a government job because private jobs only exist to exploit you and business…why? Go get a job”

But what they do not understand is that the government is unable to employ each and every job aspirant in the country.

The west in this case has always been appreciated because it has adopted the concepts of capitalism, entrepreneurship, the mantra of trying something new and “being your own boss”. This is the reason why even the Indian government is now encouraging entrepreneurship ventures. The only way is to open up and accept.

Answered by Gargihazra
While employment creation in developing countries is high on the agenda of most donor agencies, there are different views on how to achieve it. This page brings together key publications offering insights into major obstacles and potential solutions to job creation.
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