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Climate Change
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How Electricity Flows
Straight Down the Line
In a Flash
Transporting Electricity Diagram
The path that electricity takes from the power planet to your home.
How electricity flows
The electricity that flows to our homes is generated in power stations. From here, it flows through large transmission lines, which carry it to substations. Finally, distribution lines carry electricity from substations to houses, businesses, and schools like yours!
Burning Questions
How does electricity reach our homes?
Have you ever wondered how the electrical energy that powers all those devices in your home actually gets there? Here's the lowdown!
In power stations, large spinning turbines generate electricity, powered by wind, coal, natural gas, or water (hydropower).
The electrical current is sent through transformers, which increase the voltage so the power can be pushed over long distances.
The electrical charge is then carried by transmission lines held up by large towers, which stretch across huge distances.
From the transmission lines, the electricity reaches a substation, where the voltage is lowered so it can be sent on smaller power lines.
The electricity is then sent through distribution lines to your neighbourhood. Smaller transformers lower the voltage again so that the power is safe to use in our homes.
The electricity connects to your house, where it passes through a meter which measures the amount of electricity you use.
Finally, the electricity travels through wires inside the walls to the outlets and switches in your house - ready to power your devices!
Energy heats a lightbulb's wires, making the gas inside the bulb glow.
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