how far do you agree with the statement of the writer that the first requirement of civility is that we should acknowledge a service
find in them
Question 1.
Why was the passenger thrown out of the lift?
The passenger was thrown out of the lift for being impolite. He did not say “Top please” but just said “Top”.
Question 2.
What would happen if we were given the liberty to box people’s ears?
If we were given the liberty to box people’s ears, violence would be let loose.
KSEEB Solutions
Question 3.
What can the law not compel us to do?
The law cannot compel us to say ‘please’ or to attune our voice to other people’s sensibilities.
Question 4.
What, according to the author, is the difference between physical pain and pain of the wound caused to one’s self-respect?
We always think of physical pain when we talk about pain. But the wound is deeper and the scar darker when self-respect is damaged. The physical pain passes away soon but the pain of a wound to our self-respect or our vanity may poison a whole day.
Question 5.
What is the first and the most important requirement of civility?
The first requirement of civility is that we should acknowledge a service.
Question 6.
What did the ‘polite conductor’ do for the author?
When the author boarded a bus and found that he was utterly penniless, he told the conductor that he would go back. The conductor said that it was all right and issued him a ticket cheerfully. When the author wondered as to when to repay the amount, the conductor assured him that the author was likely to find him again sometime.