English, asked by sanayatamang362, 5 months ago

how far has Shakespeare unlocked his heart in his sonnets discuss the reference to the sonnet prescribed for you


Answered by abhinavsaini2022



A Short Analysis of William Wordsworth’s ‘Scorn Not the Sonnet’

The sonnet was popular among the Romantic poets. John Keats wrote many, including the celebrated ‘On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer’; Shelley gave us ‘Ozymandias’; and a pioneering female poet, Charlotte Turner Smith, was both a proto-Romantic poet and the person often credited with causing a revival of the sonnet among English poets. And then there’s William Wordsworth, who wrote a number of sonnets, of which ‘Scorn not the Sonnet’, whilst not the most famous, is perhaps the most self-referential, using the very form of the sonnet to defend it against its critics. Here is ‘Scorn not the Sonnet’, followed by some words of analysis.



Answered by rihuu95


In the sonnet Shakespear ha locked his heart


Shakespeare 'unlocked his heart' with the 'key' of the sonnet because he used the sonnet form as a vehicle for exploring and analysing his own relationship.

Robert Browning quote: "With this same key Shakespeare unlocked his heart" once more..

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