how grain stored in Himachal pradesh
because of culture climate tradition which are the things that in Himalaya Pradesh
In hills, where the environment is harsh, slopes are steep, scattered and scarce land, the farm families toil very hard to raise a good crop. After the matured crop is brought at home, it is the homemaker who is primarily responsible for its safe storage and use for the following season1. It is estimated that 60-70 % of food grains produced in the country are stored at home level in traditional storage structures2. In Himachal Pradesh, the operational landholding size is 1.16 ha, thus the farm production in majority of the households is enough for household consumption only and very less to market3. Though improved storage structures are gaining popularity in Himachali homes, still traditional grain storage structures are prevalent in rural areas of the state. Effort has been made in this article to explore the status of traditional grain storage structures used in Himachal Pradesh along with opinion of people about their effectiveness.