how has tagore potrayed rehamat in his story cabuliwala 250-300 words
Kabuliwala tells the tale of Abdul Rehman Khan (played by Balraj Sahni), a poor goat herder living in Kabul, Afghanistan. Want of money forces him to leave his young daughter and old mother behind and travel to India. In Kolkata, much like many of the migrants from Afghanistan, he walks around selling dry fruit and other goods imported from his country. While children run away from the ‘scary’ Kabuliwala, one young girl, Mini, dares to befriend him. Reminded of his own daughter, Abdul returns to see her every day, telling her stories and giving her gifts. Mini’s father is a writer and befriends him as well, despite his wife’s scepticism. But the world is not always kind to outsiders, and soon, tensions rise that create problems for Abdul and threaten his relationship with Mini.Kabuliwala is a tale of a father and his love for his daughter. Abdul’s adoration for his own daughter, and the way he spoils her is endearing to watch. When he transfers that affection to Mini, it is equal parts adorable and heart-breaking, as you are constantly reminded that he is away from his daughter for a long time, simply because he can’t earn enough in his homeland. Mini’s relationship with her father is also equally well explored.