History, asked by maemae7, 9 months ago

How has technology affected the Average Life Span Before the common era​


Answered by ishitapandeycool



Technology has affected the human lifespan a lot. The before mentioned medical technologies has expanded the human life expectancy from 10-45 to 25-65years. Other than medical technology, military technology also affected the human lifespan by keeping people safer.

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Answered by anshika11235


Technology has affected the human lifespan a lot. The before mentioned medical technologies has expanded the human life expectancy from 10-45 to 25-65years. Other than medical technology, military technology also affected the human lifespan by keeping people safer. The part of technology that has negatively affected the human life span is people not being that healthy anymore. This is caused by people staying inside and not getting enough exercise. The full effects of this haven't been fully see as of the time i'm writing this, as the generations affected by it haven't gotten old enough to see the end result.

Does Technology Affect The Human Life Span

For this question there are many thing that will affect the answer. The three most important factors we need to thing about are what technologies have been available to humans from the last thousand years, how much we have been using the technology available to us, and how long has the average human lifespan been in the past thousand or so years.

Advancements Of Technology In The Field Of Medicine

How Much Technology Have We Had?

We have only had our modern technology/computers for the past hundred years. In the 2000s was when computers were able to start computing many things other than simple programs without being large as a house. The first person to create a prototype of the modern computer was Charles Babbage. He sketch the "Father Of All Computers". He made this design in 1833. It was much different from our modern computers. It worked off of punched cards that could be programed to do certain things.

The first home computers that was easily and affordable were developed in 1977, by IBM. This computer many be the first computer that was easily accessible, but unlike our modern computers they were very slow and didn't have much computing power. Even though they were very primitive the computer was the first home computer.

The First Home Computer

Most medical technology can trace their roots back to the 1910s-1930s. This was the time when many different important facts were discovered. Though the two decades many necessary machines were created for the medical purpose that people use everyday now to stay alive. When World War Two hit the world medical technology sky rocked in its evolution. A few of those advancements include, but are not limited to the discovery of sulfanilamide, penicillin.

Sulfanilamide is a anti-bacterial substance that can be used on wounds and other cuts to prevent infection. It was applied by sprinkling some of the powder onto the wound. The powder was a success and saved many lives and lowered the amount of deaths by infection. The inventor of sulfanilamide is Paul Gelmo. He created it in 1908, but wasn't used until 1933 when it was perfected.

Penicillin was discovered in the 1900s by Ernest Duchesne, but the medical purposes were only found in 1928 by Alexander Fleming. This drug was mainly used for clearing/stopping infections. However there are other medical purposes that it can be used for. These include, but aren't limited to infections, syphilis, bacterial infections that will weaken your immune system.

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