how have industrialisation and urbanisation become the cause of water scarcity...
★ Industrialisation: The establishment of various industries has resulted in the further exploitation of water resources. Industries use water in large quantities. They also discharge industrial effluents and wastes in waster bodies and pollute them. This has degraded the quality of water and has resulted in water scarcity.
★ Urbanisation: Urban centres have multiplied in the country. Many houses and housing societies have their own independent boring devices. This has further depleted the water table.
Thank you
Industrialisation and urbanisation have aggravated water scarcity in India in the following ways :
(i) Large industrial houses are exerting pressure on existing freshwater resources. Industries apart from being heavy user of water also require water power to run them.
(ii) Multiplying urban centre with large and dense population and urban lifestyles have not only added to water and energy requirement but further aggravated the problems. Water resources are being over-exploited.