how have the climatic regions of the world been classified!
the formalization of systems that recognize, clarify, and simplify climatic similarities and differences between geographic areas in order to enhance the scientific understanding of climates. Such classification schemes rely on efforts that sort and group vast amounts of environmental data to uncover patterns between interacting climatic processes. All such classifications are limited since no two areas are subject to the same physical or biological forces in exactly the same way. The creation of an individual climate scheme follows either a genetic or an empirical approach.
The Köppen Climate Classification System is the most widely used system for classifying the world's climates. Its categories are based on the annual and monthly averages of temperature and precipitation. The Köppen system recognizes five major climatic types; each type is designated by a capital letter.
A - Tropical Moist Climates: all months have average temperatures above 18° Celsius.
B - Dry Climates: with deficient precipitation during most of the year.
C - Moist Mid-latitude Climates with Mild Winters.
D - Moist Mid-Latitude Climates with Cold Winters.
E - Polar Climates: with extremely cold winters and summers.