How his man responsible for creating ruckless in this earth in a short span of 12000
1. Humans, who are known to have existed for a mere 12000 years, have caused tremendous impact and played havoc with nature.
Population explosion, putting a strain on available resources, carbon emissions, fossil fuels and global warming have all resulted in climatic and ecological imbalances that have also affected Antarctica.
2. Antarctica, though unpopulated, has been affected and there are concerns for its half a million year old carbon records trapped under its ice sheets.
3. The ‘Students on Ice’ programme, an initiative of Canadian adventure educator, Geoff Green takes students on expeditions to Antarctica, to create awareness in them, the future policy makers.
4. The stark proof of global warming and environmental threats helps students attain an understanding of ecosystems and biodiversity of our planet.
5. An amazing display of the food chain of the Southern Ocean helps in the understanding that further depletion of the ozone layer, will set off a chain reaction that will affect the global carbon cycle.
6. The simple truth is, take care of the small things and the bigger ones will automatically be taken care of.
The correct answer to the question-"How his man responsible for creating ruckless in this earth in a short span of 12000"is-
He had played havoc with nature.
Humans, who are known to be existing on earth for a mere 12000 years, have caused tremendous impact on our planet and played havoc with nature.
All the reckless and thoughtless activities of humankind such as -
- increasing cities and megacities,
- careless burning of fossil fuel,
- depleting ozone and increasing carbon dioxide
- defforestation and turning those to jungles,
- our fight with other species for limited resources,
- global warming,and
- melting ice caps ,glaciers and shields,
other same kind of reckless activities are a question mark on the future for humankind. If instant actions or steps are not taken immediately, these drastic changes may in turn take us to the end of the world.
Global temperature is increasing due to the increasing burning of fossil fuels which has now created a blanket of carbon dioxide around the world. The glaciers are melting. Pollution is all around. This will take us to a deadly end.
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