English, asked by 2021ua21011949, 2 days ago

How important is presentation in writing how can one present one's writing in an interesting manner?​


Answered by thotayatin171010301


The presentation of writing is very important as almost 1/4 marks can be based on that. Even though this number is small, this will add up in the final. To present in an interesting manner, do the following:

Write the information in paragraphs

No one wants to search through an entire essay to find one specific sentence. So, divide your work into pieces which provide different information about that same topic.

Also, use Subheadings to make it clear that this is a sub-topic and you are not continuing with the topic.

For example, if the topic is on water, you can write as follows

[About Water] - This is a sub-topic



[Importance of Water] - This is a sub-topic


[Uses of Water] - This is a sub-topic





[Pollution of Water] - This is a sub-topic



[Effect of Water Pollution] - This is a sub-topic


[Methods to prevent or control Water Pollution] - This is a sub-topic






Write neatly, clearly, and use a good pencil/pen (don't use a gel pen)

You can check if your handwriting is good by asking a person to read some sentences you wrote. If they can easily speak, then, you wrote good. If not, try to improve by writing some sentences daily.

Try not to use whiteners, or strike mistakes

Before you write, think about how you are going to make the sentences. Once you are OK with the sentence, write it. You could also write the sentences in a book, so you don't forget any information.

Use a Highlighter or sketch pens to highlight important points

You can highlight important points or write them with a different and bright ink. If you don't have those, then try bolding your text, writing them in Italics, underlining the points, or writing the important points in CAPITAL LETTERS

Try using pictures, diagrams, drawings etc.

This is important because, if the reader doesn't understand what you are trying to convey, it's useless. Research and verify if the pictures, diagrams or whatever you are using is related to the topic.

Use "Did you know" to catch the reader's attention

If you use "Did you Know", it will easily make the reader curious about what the information might be. But don't write misinformation or facts which everyone knows (like Sun rises in the East and sets in the West). Try to verify the information. For example, let's take the same topic of water



--------------------------------- Did you Know

------------------------------ Water is the only substance

------------------------------------- that is found in all 3 forms

(Solids Liquids and Gases)

Hope it helps

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