How is Arthur Dent main character in Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
Arthur Philip Dent was the hapless ape-descended human man from Earth who found himself thrown upon wild adventures around the Universe. With Ford Prefect, his friend of several years, Dent barely escaped the Earth's destruction as it was demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass.
Arthur Philip Dent was the hapless ape-descended human man from Earth who found himself thrown upon wild adventures around the Universe. With Ford Prefect, his friend of several years, Dent barely escaped the Earth's destruction as it was demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass.
Main Characters: BackMain CharactersArthur Dent; Ford Prefect; Trillian; Zaphod Be...
Film: BackFilmThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Locations: BackLocationsMagrathea; Frogstar World B; Milliways; Kakafroon Kappa; ...
Media: BackMediaRadio ; Books ; TV Series ; Video Game ; LPs ; Film