English, asked by axitkapadia, 1 year ago

how is banana? give an example ​


Answered by modi7260


Banana (Musa species) is an important fruit of tropics. This is the only tropical fruit which is exported in large quantities.

The edible banana is believed to have originated in the hot, tropical regions of South-East Asia (Assam, Burma-Indo China region). The primary center of origin of table banana (M. acuminata) is the Malaysia region whereas the cooking banana (M. balbisiana) originated in southern India. Its cultivation is distributed throughout the warmer countries and is confined to regions between 30°N and 30°S of the equator.

Banana is one of the oldest fruits known to mankind. Its antiquity can be traced back to the Garden of Paradise where Eve was said to have used its leaves to cover her modesty. It may be one of the reasons why the banana is called ‘Apple of Paradise’ and botanically named Musa paradisiaca. Frequent mention is made of the banana in the great Indian epics, Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Introduction of banana to Africa and the West is comparatively recent. It was introduced to East Africa before the time of Christ and spread thence to the West Coast of Africa across the tropical centre of the continent. They reached the Mediterranean about 650. A.D. and was taken to the pacific by Polynesian travellers about 1000 A.D. It is believed that the banana has been taken by Arabs from India to Palestinian Egypt. The first introduction to the New World was in 1516 A.D. from the Canary Islands by the Portuguese. The Central American Islands subsequently developed the greatest banana trade in the middle of the 19th Century.

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