How is coke obtained ?
Coke is obtained by destructive distillation of charcoal or coal in the furnace Destructive distillation is the chemical process involving the decomposition of coal or charcoal by heating to a high temperature in the absence of air or in the presence of limited amounts of oxygen.
Coke is a high-carbon product obtained by the destructive distillation of coal. The amount of carbon content in coke is so high that it is said to be an almost-pure form of carbon. Coke is grayish-black in colour and is a hard, porous solid. Uses:
The most common use of coke is as a fuel for stoves, furnaces and blacksmithing. It is sometimes preferred over coal because burning coke produces very little smoke.
It is also used to produce iron in a blast furnace.
Coke is used to manufacture steel and many other materials.