How is Demography related with vital events of life?
Vital events or Vital Statistics are a significant source of demographic data.
The provide statistics which are important to meet demographic challenges of a country. Some of the most important vital events are as follows:
- Births
- Deaths
- Marriages
- Divorces
- Number of Immigrants
- Number of Refugees, etc.
They are not only helpful to individuals but to governments as well, e.g. a recorded birth may entitle a person to a birth certificate which is helpful in getting medical facilities, school admission, and passports, etc. On the other hand statistics such as marriages, and births and infant deaths may give an idea to the governments on improving health and medical facilities, controlling infant mortality rates, and initiate family planning programs, etc.
Demography is related with vital events of life as these act as an important information source for such demographic data.
- Demographic data constitutes all information associated with age, gender, education, social classes, income, marriages, divorce rates and others.
- Therefore vital events in a lifetime act as very important data as cumulation of these vital events and their records make up for a nation’s demographic data.
- Therefore the relation between these vital events of life and demographic data is inherent to one another.
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