how is education related to development of village Palampur?
Palampur is a fictitous village mentioned in NCERT class 9.
The village described in this chapter is somewhat big in size. It is well connected by all-weather road from the nearest town. The village has a primary health centre, school, irrigation facilities and electricity supply.
The percentage of such villages is minuscule in India. Most of the villages do not have proper connectivity with the nearest town. They may not be having hospital and schools. Electricity supply can be quite erratic in many villages.
In a typical village; like Palampur; people of different castes and communities live. A village can have 50 to 500 families. Most of the land is usually owned by upper caste people. Rest of the land is owned by the Other Backward Classes and minorities. The dalits usually comprise the landless labour. They normally live on the outskirts of the village.
Since, it has only got one school, the education sector is porrly developrd and education is not easily accessible..
Answer:as they can practice more small scale businesses and improve agriculture and also know about government. Schemes due to education and avoid exploitation