how is energy produced inside the sun?explain with the proton -proton cycle?
Answer in brief:
The proton-proton chain. This is the principle fusion reaction in the Sun. Mass, in the form of hydrogen atoms, is converted to energy as described by Einstein's formula: E = mc2. ... The reactions produce high-energy photons (gamma rays) that move through the "radiative layer" surrounding the core.
"your answer in detail with clear proton-proton cycle explanation"
1).In the core, pressures and temperatures are high enough to force fusion, that is, nuclear reactions whereby some nuclei merge to make others. It is the type of reaction that powers a hydrogen bomb. The most important reaction within the core of the Sun is the process called the "proton-proton cycle."
2). In the proton-proton chain reaction, hydrogen nuclei are converted to helium nuclei through a number of intermediates. The reactions produce high-energy photons (gamma rays) that move through the "radiative layer" surrounding the core. This layer takes up 60 percent of the radius of the Sun. It takes a million years for energy to get through this layer into the "convective layer", because the photons are constantly intercepted, absorbed and re-emitted. In the core, the helium nuclei make up 62% of the mass (the rest is still hydrogen). The radiative and convective layers have about 72% hydrogen, 26% helium, and 2% heavier elements (by mass). The energy produced by fusion is then transported to the solar surface and emitted as light or ejected as high-energy particles.
hope it helps you..☺☺
Thank you..!!