how is environment important for us
The environment is the key to the existence of life on earth. But there is a drastic environment change due to global warming, excessive pollution, industrialization, etc.
The natural environment is a gift of nature and we need to conserve it for the benefit of life in the future.
Importance of Environment for life
An environment is a sole factor for the existence of life on earth. Without it, there can be no life on earth. In our solar system, there are other big planets but, have no life due to lack of environment This shows the importance of the environment for life & existence.
It is important for:-
1.For healthy living
2.Better breath
3.Better water
4.Better soil:
5.Better plants:
Importance of Environment for humans
1.For food:
2.For shelter:
3.For clothing:
4.For furniture:
5.For medicine:
Importance of environment for Health.
1.Stress-free life
2.Pleasant living
Considering the importance of the environment regarding the above points everyone has to take a precaution to minimize waste by careful use of power, automobiles and other pollution generating agents.