How is geometry important in architecture and construction of monuments? Support your answer with some examples of monuments and the concepts of geometry used in them?
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Geometry, the word brings images of lines, points, circles, squares, and other shapes and forms to one’s mind. Geometry has an impact on our day-to-day life. Everything around us is a measurement, either defined or perceived, with a visual impression. In the same way, architecture is a domain that majorly deals with geometry and visuals. It plays a vital role in design as well as construction. Euclidean geometry was the only one used for over two thousand years. Now, there are many different aspects developed with time—projective geometry, perspective, Cartesian geometry, trigonometry, fractal geometry, differential geometry, typology, etc. are some of them.
architecture deals with geometry and visuals. It plays a vital role in design as well as construction.
1. Taj Mahal, Agra, India
The world-renowned monument displays a golden ratio in the width of its facade with a grand central arch and the heights of the windows. Mughal architecture has a particular mathematical order and astounding aesthetics with perfect symmetry and harmony.
2. Farnsworth House, Plano, Illinois
The incredibly gorgeous Farnsworth house by Mies van der Rohe is an authentic display of golden proportions in every aspect of design, from the floor plan, deck plan, overhangs of the roof to elevations, the house is in classic sync with nature.
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