how is honey collected from a beehive
Raw honey comes straight from the honeycomb. Honey from the hive contains bee pollen, beeswax, and parts of dead bees. Honey manufacturers will usually pass raw honey through a filter to remove as many impurities as possible, but some generally remain
Step 1: Start by Slowly Lifting the Lid of the Beehive.
Remove and place next to the hive.
If there's honeycomb on the lid place upside down.
Remove any covers from the frames.
Step 2: Apply Smoke to the Hive.
Using a BeekeepingClaw/Scraper gently lift one end of the frame, then slowly and gently life the over end.
Once you're able to grip the frame lift up, try your best not to knock the honeycomb.
Step 3: This Frame Is Full of Honey and Ready to Be Collected.
Shake off any bees.
You'll know the frame is full of honey and ready to collect when the honeycomb is capped with white wax.
The honey will have the correct moisture content.
Place in a collecting box and replace the frame within the hive.
Step 4: This Is an Example of a Frame That Isn't Quite Ready.
The honeycomb towards the bottom hasn't been capped.
Step 5: Repeat Until You've Collected All the Frames.
Carefully place the lid on the hive.
In our next video/Instructable, we will cover extracting honey.
Please check out our new series The Bush Bee Man!