How is intensive cropping can destroy biodiversity?
Answer :
Threats to global biodiversity
Loss of biodiversity is occurring in many parts of the globe, often at a rapid pace.
It can be measured by loss of individual species, groups of species or decreases in
numbers of individual organisms. In a given location, the loss will often reflect the
degradation or destruction of a whole ecosystem. According to the Subsidiary Body on
Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA, 2003), habitat loss is the
greatest, most serious of all threats to biodiversity. Habitat loss due to the expansion of
human activities, including urbanization and the increase in cultivated land surfaces, is
identified as a main threat to 85% of all species described in the IUCN Red List (IUCN,
The introduction of non-native species and genetic stock is a major threat to
biodiversity. There are thousands of new and foreign genes introduced with trees, shrubs,
herbs, microbes, and higher and lower animals each year (Sukopp & Sukopp, 1993).
Many of these new species survive and, after many years of adaptation, become invasive
(Starfinger et al., 1998).
Genetic diversity among agricultural crops has also declined rapidly due to the
introduction of new commercial varieties. Reported losses of over 80% of varieties in
species such as apple, maize, tomato, wheat and cabbage have occurred worldwide
(UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 2003
Agriculture and other development activities have led to an overall decline of
approximately 2% in the world’s forests and woodlands, between 1980 and 1990. In the
developing regions, natural forest cover declined by 8% (UNEP, 1997). Agricultural
practices also influence terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity within and around agricultural
fields (Tilman, 1999; Tilman et al., 2002). Fertilizers, pest control chemicals, tillage and
even crop rotation have an impact on the biodiversity of agricultural ecosystems
(Beringer, 2000; Ross et al., 2002).
Intensive cropping can destroy biodiversity:
- The Loss of biodiversity will take place in various areas of the globe, at a rapid pace.
- According to the "Subsidiary Body" on the "Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice" (SBSTTA, 2003).
- The habitat loss is one of the greatest, most serious to all the threats to the biodiversity.
- Habitat loss due to the "expansion of human activities", including the urbanization and also the increase of cultivated land areas.
- It is identified as the main threat to "85% of all species", established by the "IUCN Red List" (IUCN,2000).
- The introduction of "non-native species" and "genetic stock" is one of the major "threat to biodiversity".
To know more:
Discuss the effects of traditional intensive cropping versus alternative cropping systems on soil erosion: