Computer Science, asked by komal147, 1 year ago

how is it beneficial to use elctronic spreadsheet over the manual worksheet?


Answered by Nikhitabisht
1 The electronic spreadsheet uTlizes the powerful aspects of the computer e.g. speed ,accuracy, and efciency to enable the user quickly accomplish tasks
2. It o²ers a larger virtual sheet for data entry and manipulating e.g. the largest paper ledgeryou can get is the one that doesn’t exceed 30 columns and 51 rows while with an electronic spreadsheet , at least ledger has 255 columns and 255 rows
3. It utlizes the larger storage space on the computer storage devices to save and retrieve documents
4. It enables the user to produce neat work because the tradi Tonal paper, pencil ,rubber and calculators are put aside. All the work done is edited on the screen and ´nal clean copy is printed. With a hand written spread sheet, neatness and legibility depends on the write hand writtng.
5. Electronic spreadsheet have a be·er document formaµng capabiliTes6. Electronic spreadsheet have inbuilt formulae called funcTons that enable the user to quicklymanipulate mathemaTcal data7. It automaTcally adjusts the results of a formulae if the values in the worksheets arechanged .±his is called automaTc recalculaTon feature. For the manual sheet, changing one

Nikhitabisht: hope i helped u
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