How is land being degraded? Suggest methods to conserve it.
Land degradation is caused by multiple forces, including extreme weather conditions, particularly drought. It is also caused by human activities that pollute or degrade the quality of soils and land utility. Desertification is a form of land degradation by which fertile land becomes desert.
Afforestation: One of the best ways to conserve soil is to increase the area under forests.
2.Checking Overgrazing: Grazing is very important.
3.Constructing Dams: One of the scientific methods to check soil erosion.
The ever-growing population has increased demand for living space, due to which forests are being destroyed, thus causing land degradation. The rate of degradation of land resources can be checked by promoting afforestation, land reclamation, regulated use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers, and checking to overgraze.