Social Sciences, asked by ruchikanayak2018, 6 months ago



Answered by lavanyadharmesh

Hope it helps


Media is a widespread source of information that can be accessed through your electronics, newspapers, magazines and more. Over the years, media has evolved from a source meant to only serve the locals to now giving information about political events, celebrities, and other countries. The government has been able to keep media wrapped around its fingers since the beginning of media. This can lead to unfair advantage in a political race because parties are making campaigns that is ruining the others reputation with, for all we know, false information. The public has even been known to have a change on opinion after watching or reading a source from media. The government has learned how to persuade everyone, which is why our voices are more important than ever in this generation. One person who has not been influenced is weak when standing alone, but when we all start to educate ourselves and learn the truth behind the governments involvement we can then stand with that single individual, combining our voices and using the media against the government to gather others to stand against it. The government in taking control of the media, is making it harder for individuals to make a valid opinion without it being influenced. 

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