How is method of history is usefull for science ,arts and management studies
Science - The method of history useful in the research of science in the following ways –
• To understand the chronology of the scientific inventions and the related theories.
• To understand the causes that led to the invention of such theories.
• To understand the ways through which the particular invention happened, also to know about the chronology.
• Many discoveries happened because of the fact human beings were aware of the scientific phenomenon.
(b) Arts - The method of history is useful in the research of arts in the following ways –
• To have knowledge of the different forms of art through the study of the styles and the expressions and to understand it on the basis of intellectual, emotional and cultural traditions.
• The knowledge of cultural history will help us to understand the character of the artist, and the expressions of any art forms.
(c) Management Studies - The method of history useful in the research of Management Studies in the following ways –
• To understand the different aspects of the means of production, human resources, processes of production and market and sales management.
• To understand the temperament of the people working in the chain of production and in the market for a healthy lifestyle.
• To gain knowledge of the social, and the economic institution that supports the management of these chains of production.
• The process of Management becomes easy with the knowledge of Management studies.