How is osmotic pressure determined by berkeley hartley method?
Various methods are employed for the measurement of osmotic pressure but the best known method was suggested by Berkeley and Hartley. The apparatus used is shown in Fig.. A porcelain tube having copper ferrocyanide membrane in its walls in enclosed in a metallic jacket. The porcelain tube is fitted with a reservoir of pure solvent at one end and a capillary tube at the other end. In a metallic jacket is an arrangement for applying external pressure which is measured with the help of pressure eggs.
▶QUESTION:-How is osmotic pressure determined by berkeley hartley method?
▶ANSWER:- Due to osmosis the water from tube A flows to the solution in B and causes a movement in the liquid meniscus in D. Berkeley and Hartley prevented the inflow of water on tube B by applying an external pressure through C and maintained the liquid meniscus in at the position until equilibrium.