How is population explosion perpetuating poverty?
More number of people leads to increased demand of food, clothing and shelter. Since the natural resources available are limited in quantity the price for the same increases and as a consequence many people will not be able to afford it.Only the rich will be able to access healthy food and meet there nutritional needs. The Poor will have serious health impacts and their working capacity will be reduced.Further population explosion decreases the employment opportunities available for an individual which implies the skill level and qualificational levels to get a job for a person will be more difficult.
Over-population is one of the strongest factors responsible for a nation’s poverty and unemployment. It disturbs the earth’s principal biological systems leading to degradation of environment.
The author highlights the problem of over-population by pointing out the mental set-up of the poor who feel more children means more workers to earn money. They do not realise that more children only means more unemployed people. He argues that development is the best contraceptive, which includes spread of education, improvement of health and rise in income. Spread of education leads to awareness among people, which in turn results in a fall in the ‘fertility’ rate. The author makes a comment which emphasises the never ending circle of population and poverty by asserting that “The choice is really between control of population and the perpetuation of poverty.”