How is Ron Weasley albus d.? conspiracy theory
Just like Hermione Granger, Potterheads never give up on a mystery. The very nature of the series has always invited fan theories (like the one suggesting PMS is the real reason Moaning Myrtle is always moaning), thanks to dense plots filled with red herrings and a cohesive mythology.
And as more and more time lapsed between book releases — there were 1,078 days between the publication of Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix — fans had ample time to reread and analyze their favorite plot lines. Many of these theories were born in the early days of social media, when websites like The Leaky Cauldron and Mugglenet were the only places Potter brainiacs could go to spill their suspicions. It wasn’t until 2009, about two years after Deathly Hallowswas released, that fans got a break. Author J.K. Rowling joined Twitter and actively started answering — and dismissing — fan theories and questions. And with Pottermore’s launch in 2012, fans are now continually rewarded with a slow trickle of new information.