how is self goveronor of india
Explanation:T IS not too much to say that the Report of the Simon Commission is a document of world-wide interest, for it deals with a state of affairs which is unique in the history of mankind; a state of affairs, therefore, giving rise to problems for the solution of which no precedents can be invoked. For the past two and a half years the Commission has been investigating and pondering upon an experiment in the science of government on a vast scale; and it has now given to the world its appreciation of the experiment so far as it has gone and its views as to the lines on which its further stages should be conducted.
The object of the experiment is sufficiently well known; it is, in brief, the establishment of parliamentary self-government in India. That the English have long contemplated the association of Indians with the government of the country is clear from Section 87 of the Government of India Act of 1833, in which it was specifically laid down that no native of the country should by reason only of his religion, place of birth, descent or color, be disabled from holding any place, office or employment under the Company which then administered the country and whose functions were subsequently taken over by the Crown. But this did not necessarily involve the eventual transfer of control from Great Britain to India; and though some form of self-government as the ultimate goal may be said to have been implicit in British policy ever since the creation in 1861 of legislative bodies to which Indians were admitted, it was not until 1917 that the establishment of parliamentary self-government was categorically and authoritatively stated to be the goal at which British statesmanship was aiming. It is true that before this the Legislative Councils, both at the headquarters of the Government of India and in the Provinces, had from time to time been considerably enlarged, and the powers of their members widened. Thus under the India
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