English, asked by Preetbrar9890, 1 year ago

How is Shylock punished for seeking to take Antonio’s life?


Answered by santoshkumar1212


Shylock was a cunning and vengeful man. He was punished by the Venetian Court. He loses his bond his other material wealth which he must give to Lorenzo.. the only child of his.

Hope it helps you .....

Answered by Jaswindar9199

In the novel "The Merchant Of Venice" written by William Shakespeare, Shylock is punished for seeking to take Antonio’s life by subsisting forced to convert to Christianity and give half of his wealth and estate to Antonio. Also, he is decreed to pay a penalty of three thousand ducats to the Government. Shylock's punishment attends to two goals: it attends as a form of penalty for his crime and it also attends to deter him from posing further risks to Antonio and others, as his newfound wealth and religious dignity would be more in line with the norms of the Venetian court.


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