How is the carpet area for infiltration decreasing with urbanization?
Infiltration means the way by which water on surface of ground makes way in the soil.As urbanization is on increase , it is natural that the area available for infiltration decreases.
In urbanization, many new residential areas are built ,the forests are being cut to construct buildings,industrial areas.
The soil is turning to concrete,which cannot absorb water.
In search of work,wages people are moving to cities,urban areas.
As people move out in cities,development has to take place ,which leads to urbanization and ultimately decreases the area available for infiltration.
With increasing urbanization more and more people started moving from the rural areas or the villagers to the cities for better Lifestyle, for better employment and other factors.
- Since the floor area in case of the city is very limited and overpopulation is already present there.
- The carpet area can be defined Aise per capita area in which a person lives.
- On decrease in per capita area there is increase in overcrowding of a city. Urbanisation is an important reason for this.
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