how is the internet directly harming the development of English language skills of a child?
Despite the rapid expansion of internet access to households around the world, there are large disparities in children’s access to internet at home. Over 95% of 15-year-old students having a link to the internet at home.In contrast, access to the internet continues to lag for children in developing countries. For example, less than half of 15-year-old students in Algeria, Peru, and Vietnam report having internet . In an effort to alleviate this ‘digital divide’, many governments and non-governmental organisations have invested substantial resources in expanding internet access to children in developing countries. Yet rigorous evidence for the impact of home internet access on children’s outcomes has been limited to developed countries and may not generalise to settings where fewer resources can complement or substitute for such technology.
Internet is also preserving certain regional dialects, such as Southern English, that previously would have faded. This is because the Internet lets these dialect speakers write down their unique words and phrases. The Internet has spawned a language revolution, the likes of which have never been seen before.