Social Sciences, asked by talhaaleemsal4136, 8 months ago

How is the life of a landless laborer different from that of a middle farmer


Answered by qwstoke

The life of a landless laborer is different from that of a middle farmer as:

  • A middle farmer owns a meagre extent of land, carries out cultivation by borrowing money from other farmers or moneylenders and does not produce a large surplus.
  • On the other hand, a landless laborer does not possess any land and earns a living by offering their services to the farmers who have a large plot of farming land
  • The life of a landless laborer is different from a middle farmer's as
  1. They do not have the security of livelihood
  2. They do not own anything from the produce that they cultivate. They are given fixed wages which are very meagre for survival while the middle farmer owns the produce of their land.
  3. Their employment is seasonal, i.e. they find a job in agriculture only during active seasons such as ploughing and sowing. For the other seasons, they need to find a job in other sectors to support themselves. On the other hand, the middle farmer can support their family with the little surplus that was saved from last season.
  4. Therefore, the living standards of a landless laborer are comparatively lower than that of a middle farmer.


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