How is the rotation of the earth responsible for causing day and night
The spinning of the Earth around its own axis causes day and night. It takes 23.93 hours to complete one rotation. The Earth completes one full rotation every 24 hours. This is why the Sun appears to rise in the East and set in the West. This motion creates day and night approximately every 12 hours. The Earth is spherical and at any given time, the half facing the Sun will be shined upon, while the other half will have no light. Places in the former will therefore experience day while places in the latter will experience night. The Earth spins anticlockwise as seen from space with North being up.
The cycle of night and day is continuous, except near the North and South Pole. If the Earth’s axis was perpendicular to its orbital plane, all places on Earth would experience equal amounts of day and night: 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. However, the Earth’s axis is actually tilted at an angle of 23.4°. This means that during the Northern Hemisphere's summer, the North Pole always faces the Sun, so the sun doesn't set here and for several weeks it is continuous daytime. At the same time, the South Pole faces away from the Sun (Southern Hemisphere winter) and is in continuous night.
Rotation of the earth responsible for causing day and night: The phenomenon of day and night is caused by the 'rotation of the earth' on its axis. It takes '24 hours or 23 hours and 56 minutes' to finish one rotation. Daytime depends on the side of the earth that is faced towards the sun and vice versa.