English, asked by kunjbiharisahu5, 11 months ago

How is the UNESCO fighting the AIDS menace ?​


Answered by ItzMADARA

\huge\underline\mathfrak{Answer :-}

There are several United Nations initiatives of which UNESCO is a part including EDUCAID, a UNAIDS Global Initiative on Education and there are various publications freely available to the public. Making governments aware and responsible for AIDS prevention is crucial to the success of UNESCO's plans. Its education process is not limited and it strives to educate strategic partners such as government agencies, co-sponsors and civil societies to ensure global reach. It is the mission of UNESCO to strike at the core of the AIDS menace to ensure that young people are sufficiently educated about the risks, prevention and control.

Culture has played a part in the spread of AIDS as there is an historical mistrust of westernized nations and some of the means of AIDS prevention have been viewed with suspicion as it appears to many illiterate, simple people that this is just a ploy to reduce their population and is a means of controlling them. Westernized nations have a reputation as being manipulative and self-serving. This problem makes education even more important as it can never be enough to supply the means to control the disease without making people understand its use - if there is to be any hope of eradicating AIDS.

School is obviously the means by which many young people - and the group most at risk - can be reached. UNESCO wants the AIDS "menace" to be everyone's first priority in education; otherwise what is the point of educating these young people to a life of illness and suffering.

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