how J . K Rowling showed persistence to achieve something remarkable ?
J K Rowling is an amazing writer. She is the author of the record breaking children book series 'Harry Potter'
She got the idea accidentally on a train when she met a young orphan boy called 'Harry'
Rowling was as persistent as most writers. Her manuscript for the first HP book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, was rejected by 12 publishers before Bloomsbury decided to publish it (in large part because the chairman’s 8-year old daughter Alice was given the first chapter to read and immediately demanded to see the rest).
Smart call by Bloomsbury. Those other 12 publishers are no doubt kicking themselves for not recognizing the jackpot when it came around, and missing out on a huge fortune as a result.
Rowling’s persistence is not unique. Most unpublished writers have a hard time getting their first manuscript published, and get many rejections from agents and publishers before finally getting a breakthrough.
Rowling’s persistence paid off handsomely. She is now worth $650 million.