how jute is blended with other fibre
Jute was blended with other fibres inorder to
overcome its coarseness and rough texture and also to reduce
the cost of knitted material as the cost of wool is very high
which is not within the reach of some of the consumers.
To assess the consumer opinion pertaining to these
blended fabrics for sweaters.
To estimate the cost of aforesaid blended sweaters.
Jute, Polypropylene and Acrylic fibres were procured,
and processed: . The blended yarns were dyed
at Sanghi Textiles, Hyderabad. The sweaters were knitted by
using flat knitting machine at Shri. Durga Deshmukh's Women's
Technical Training Institute, Hyderabad.
The study was mainly divided into three parts.
1. Laboratory Testing
2. Subjective Evaluation
3. Cost Calculation.
Laboratory testing was done at yarn and fabric stage.
The subjective evaluation was done by 35 judges drawn f ram
the staff and post graduate students
Science, Hyderabad. . Suitable
statistical procedures were employed to analyse the data.
The laboratory tests revealed that the sample
containing 20 percent Jute and 80 percent Acrylic was even
and had more strength and more elongation at break. The
percentage shrinkage of this sample was less when compared to
other samples. The strength of all blended yarns were higher
when compared to the woolen yarn.
The results of the subjective evaluation revealed that
20 percent Jute 80 percent Acrylic blend was rated with
maxi mum scores for all the ~characteri sti cs under study and
was preferred best by the consumers due to the aesthetic
appearance, it's suitability. reasonable cost and higher strength.