Science, asked by arjeet2, 1 year ago

how living or non living thing came on earth


Answered by zeeshanfazil
specific combinations of elements.

The second step is that these small organic molecules joined together to form larger molecules. The small molecules are calledmonomers since they are made of just one unit. However, when they join together, they create polymers that have many repeating units. You may be able to remember this because of the prefixes. 'Mono' means 'one' - like in the words monorail and monocle - while 'poly' means 'many' - like in polygon and polymorph. You can also think of it as putting paper clips together in a long chain. Each individual paperclip is a monomer, but the entire long chain of paperclips is a polymer.

The third step of early life on Earth is when things start to get a little tricky. The polymers that were formed from the monomers grouped together to form protobionts. Protobionts are very important to understanding early life. The name protobionts literally means 'early form of life,' but they are basically small droplets with membranes that are able to maintain a stable internal environment. They are similar to the cells with which we are familiar in that they can reproduce, metabolize, and even respond to their environments. Many experiments have shown that these pre-cell structures can spontaneously form.

The fourth step is that these simple protobionts evolved to pass on genetic information. Protobionts are capable of replicating - that is, they can make new protobionts. However, cells, which are the basic unit of life, are unique in that they can reproduce and pass on genetic information from one generation to the next, metabolize matter and energy, and can evolve. These simple cells were created from complex molecules that were created from simple molecules, then continued to evolve into a wide variety of life forms.

Answered by Anonymous

science defines it, to be living, a thing must be capable of growth, reproduction and metabolism. I'm pretty sure you know what growth is. Reproduction means being able to have offspring or otherwise duplicate oneself (like through cell splitting) and metabolism means to be able to extract energy from chemicals in order to sustain oneself. Using this definition, you should be able to say why none of the 7 things above are living.
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