How long can albino frogs live out of the water if they get loose?
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African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) are amphibians that are close to fully aquatic. They can stay in the water their entire lives. When they exit the water, it's because they have no other option and have to travel somewhere else. African clawed frogs are rather awkward on terra firma.
Life Underwater
African clawed frogs are usually totally submerged. However, they occasionally have to rise to the top of the water to breathe -- usually several times a day. It's not at all uncommon for them to remain submerged for hours at a time without coming up; in fact, spending a lot of time near the surface can be a sign of illness. African clawed frogs mostly breathe via their sophisticated lungs. They rarely do so through cutaneous respiration, which involves breathing by way of the skin. When these frogs are in situations of minimal oxygen, they breathe by taking air in from the top of the water, courtesy of their lungs.
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