How long would it take you to travel 33 km, if you walked at 66 km/h.
For a distance of 32KM the average speed will come down to 13-14 minutes per KM. So 32KM should take 6-8 hours. I have walked a maximum of 19KM, pushing my punctured bicycle. It took approximately 12 min per KM.
For a distance of 32KM the average speed will come down to 13-14 minutes per KM. So 32KM should take 6-8 hours. I have walked a maximum of 19KM, pushing my punctured bicycle. It took approximately 12 min per KM.
For a distance of 32KM the average speed will come down to 13-14 minutes per KM. So 32KM should take 6-8 hours. I have walked a maximum of 19KM, pushing my punctured bicycle. It took approximately 12 min per KM.
For a distance of 32KM the average speed will come down to 13-14 minutes per KM. So 32KM should take 6-8 hours. I have walked a maximum of 19KM, pushing my punctured bicycle. It took approximately 12 min per KM.